Walt's Vision and Calling

I am continually fascinated by and learning more about how God made His universe work. I am energized to share what I learn with others so they understand they, specifically, are part of God's design which means they have value, they have purpose - they are not a cosmic accident.

Because we live in the universe created by the God of the Bible, it is imperative theology be an integral part of learning any and every subject - especially the foundational science: physics.

“Theology is the mistress-science, without which the whole educational structure will necessarily lack its final synthesis.”
~ Dorothy L. Sayers, The Lost Tools of Learning
"I once thought that if I could ask God one question, I would ask how the universe began, because once I knew that, all the rest is simply equations. But as I got older I became less concerned with how the universe began. Rather, I would want to know why he started the universe. For once I knew that answer, then I would know the purpose of my own life."
~ Albert Einstein
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"There is not one square inch of the entire creation about which Jesus Christ does not cry out, 'This is mine! This belongs to me!'"
~ Abraham Kuyper
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